
a mirror on the wall that I could see tk under the counter
with*As it turned out,there were two. pedkple behind the, count-
er kissing each other ferociously.I turned back around to
■ _, see If Paula was still,.:there,and,as I exnecyed, she wasn* t.
SO) I elected to walk around this place and see what was in
it .This party by far surpassed the eighth grade, graduation party.It reminded me of that place that Paula and I -went to during the summer a few years ago% called "The Joy Ride"I
t ~A»——si ~—r—-3U-—-i
remembered that I wanted to go there again once I was old
■ ■ • C.Xi£ enough to stay there after 6:00.This place, was something to
think about, though ...From the counter to the back of the room,
there, were about sixty people laying down smashed on the ground.
* I don't know where most, of these people came from,but- I .
could tell they had just graduated because, their graduation
caps were on their hae.ds.One guy was trying to. eat his tas-sle,.which was hanging down in his face.He was making pretty rapid progress, too.4: of the tass^e. was. go ne. in no time.Usually,
I would be concerned that he was going to get sick,but ghat
thought never even crossed my mind now.I realized that I must
laak like, a total ding-dong in, here because everyone else was
having a great time,and I was looking around for someone that was
probably already sto-ned under the, count or with everyone else. There was this band on the-stage that was really bad.Everyone knew thet were bad,too.I could tell,because don Prestin grabbed a full size watermelon and threw it on stage at them.After that,
we had,to play records,because the lead singer of the band
slipped in the pink stuff inside the watermelon, and smashed his
headnon the ground.! felt sorry for him,but he had a lot of nerve
going to a high school graduation party and sing songs KhH&fcxksw: that no one could understand let alone dance , to.Tk±sxharxkHkx&B3* pugrr ambulance had to be called in for the lead singer,
but no one let.the gijys with the stretchers in the door*I think we scared, them all the way. across town*
- Author
- mark thomas